Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

We all love to receive happy mail, so let’s start bringing back handwritten cards by adding an artistic touch with these fun ideas to brighten someone’s day. Thank you to Dayspring for sponsoring this post so we all can be reminded. 

Pen and Paper Girl or Digital Girl all the way?? That is the question of the day. I am personally a pen and paper girl. I’m one of those nerds, I guess you would call it that, that loves the feeling of checking something off a to-do list, keeping a paper planner, and also writing handwritten notes to someone special. Which are you? Let me know in the comments below.

No matter what you answer, I hope you will find yourself taking time later today to enjoy writing in an actual card and not typing an email to let someone know how much you appreciate them. I truly believe the art of handwritten letters and cards has been missing. But we can bring it back! If you want to make it fun, try adding a few of these artistic twists that I enjoy myself when writing out cards or letters.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

Let’s start writing…

But first you need cards…

You will want to keep a large assortment of cards on hand for all different occasions because you never know what may come up and surprise you. The perfect place to start is at Dayspring. They have a huge assortment of all different styles depending on your own taste.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

I got these birthday and encouragement boxed sets so I have plenty on hand now whenever I need one. The Sadie Robertson collection is also just so stinkin’ adorable with the images she chose. Be sure to order yours NOW because for a limited time when you order 2 boxed sets, you get 1 free.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

The quality is superb. Do not think just because they are in a boxed set, that they are made cheap or look old school. You will not be disappointed for sure. *You also would never be able to buy the cards cheaper individually than you can right now in these sets.


Now you have the cards, so jump right in…

Because I love finding any excuse to use different art supplies, I have found several fun ways to add flair to a basic card and make it more thoughtful.

Using colored pens that coordinate with the card and images adds an extra pop of color and fun than just a basic black or blue pen.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

I like to add color and detail by using washi tape especially on the inside of the card.

You can even try using rubber or acrylic stamps to spell out the person’s name on the envelope too.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

Using scrapbook alpha stickers in different styles and colors for more detail works and especially if you don’t like your handwriting.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

For the envelope below I used acrylic stamps and an acrylic block to add a little touch of detail with the black dots. Any simple touch goes a long way.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

Anyone can add these simple touches and really brighten someone else’s day with a thoughtful, handwritten card. But make sure you go order your cards now while they’re on sale. I can’t wait for you to make someone’s day and pay it forward.

Bringing Back Handwritten Cards by Adding an Artistic Touch

And the greatest of these is love,

We all love to receive happy mail, so let’s start bringing back handwritten cards by adding an artistic touch to brighten someone’s day.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.


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4 replies
  1. Leslie Clingan
    Leslie Clingan says:

    Genius to add a stamped bit of personalization to store-bought cards/envelopes. Nice touch. I have stamps and blank notes so need to make up some cards to have on hand. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you but I am no genius. Sometimes the smallest touches make the biggest impact and go so far. That is a great idea to already have some envelopes especially decorated and ready to go. Thanks for the idea.

  2. LadyLyn777
    LadyLyn777 says:

    Soooo COOL to find this post in an email from you! Guess what? I LOVE DAYSPRING! Alas, I missed the sale, but I’ll always look for Dayspring cards first! Recently a friend started radiation treatments, scared, wasn’t sure how she would tolerate… I’m world’s worst “caretaker” (freak out over medical issues) so I offered to follow her treatments with cards n letters. This was so much FUN, a Blessing for me–and she says for her–that I’m discovering other opportunities for this kind of ministry! WOW! Who would have thought? My computer is down, so everything is handwritten now! Love your ideas!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh I’m so glad you found it and have enjoyed the ideas. I love Dayspring too and all the inspiration their products bring. It’s so nice to walk into a store or shop online and find items that are uplifting for once. I am sure they will be having more sales in the near future, especially for cards, so stay tuned.

      Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. How touching and sweet to know that something that was a small gesture could make such a big impact on both of you. This story makes me want to make cards more of a priority too.

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