Blog Conference Tips

If you have been contemplating going or not, these blog conference tips will surely help you make the big decision to just dive in and do it!

So many of you are probably wondering what has been going on with my social media accounts the last few days. You have seen tons of pictures, especially on Instagram (@the_southern_couture) of me having an absolute blast with tons of other bloggers. I attended SNAP conference this past week and can’t wait to share some blog conference tips with y’all too in case you have started a blog and want to get the 411.

What is SNAP Conference?

SNAP conference is specifically for DIY, lifestyle, and craft bloggers to gather for several days for an experience full of classroom learning, hands-on learning, meeting with brands and sponsors one-on-one, parties to relax, and speakers too.

Blog Conference Tips

This was my first time going and I absolutely am hooked. I roomed with Amanda from A Crafted Passion and we had a blast. Lots of late night talks and chatting about what all the day held. We were definitely exhausted after everything was said and done. Be sure to check out her blog too. Lots of good projects no matter what your skill level.

Tip #1: Get out of your comfort zone.

For me this was HUGE. I had never traveled or flown before by myself. I was always with Mark. Even though I met Amanda at the airport as soon as I arrived, it took every ounce of courage I had to get on that plane by myself. Plus take a look at this view. That was totally worth the whole trip.

Blog Conference Tips

Stepping out of my comfort zone also meant talking to complete strangers about my blog. I always feel like a salesman when people ask about my blog. I just don’t have that salesman personality, but I’m working on being more outgoing and proud of my work. Below is a picture of me mingling at the Newbies class. It was great practice for me and the week ahead.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Tip #2: Get your hands dirty.

I was so excited about all the classroom and lecture style classes that were being taught and how much I would learn. I had not really thought about going to any hands-on classes until a fellow blogger mentioned how important the fun, hands-on classes are to give your mind a brain break and just enjoy yourself. I ended up going to several classes including calligraphy which I found very quickly I need lots of practice.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Another class was with Ryobi. I am not great with power tools and usually just yell for Mark to help me. I want to get more confident and brave with them and how much I would really be able to do. Ryobi made me feel so comfortable. Below is a picture of a dear friend of mine, Lindi, I met that I know will be a friend for years to come. She blogs at Love, Create, Celebrate with some awesome woodworking projects.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Here I am holding my own tools and working so hard. We built an amplifier that actually ended up working awesome.

Blog Conference Tips

I stopped by the Michaels booth, okay not just once but several times. I made this card with some new products from Recollections and love the way it turned out. It made me feel like I could do watercolors even though I was cheating and it wasn’t really.

Blog Conference Tips

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

I also had the opportunity to make an arrow display for a gallery wall with the genuine Heidi Swapp. I just had to take a picture with her for the memory books. I tried to control myself and not go all fan girl. She also hosted the party that night along with Fuji which I discuss later.

Blog Conference Tips

Tip #3: Party!!

Every night was a different themed party. Even if going to parties and social events is not your thing, like I said before just step out of your comfort zone and you will be glad you did. The first night was a Fire and Ice themed party which was tons of fun with glowing makeup and black lights. Plus you have to have a photo booth at every party nowadays.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

The next party was a Preppy Palm Springs Poolside Party hosted by Fuji Instax and Heidi Swapp. Let me just start by saying it was EPIC. The decorations were all handmade and just adorable. As we entered the party, there were these homemade cacti that I just had to get a picture with.

Blog Conference Tips

Heidi Swapp is probably one of the most generous people I know. She had a marquee letter bar set up where we got one of her marquee letters and could decorate it anyway we chose. From there we went to another photo booth for more pictures to capture the memories.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Blog Conference Tips

There were also these adorable desserts pictured below that I just had to sample a little of each. So stinkin’ cute that I almost didn’t want to eat them. Keyword being almost. Hehe!

Blog Conference Tips

I just love this picture I got with Heidi at the party too. Hopefully she didn’t consider me a stalker after getting 2 pictures in one day. I just couldn’t help myself.

Blog Conference Tips

Tip #4: Make those memories and enjoy them for a lifetime.

Below I have shared more pictures from the conference that I just absolutely love and will cherish forever. The people you meet and the memories you make will truly last a lifetime. If you are nervous and not sure if you should just dive in, maybe more of these pictures will help convince you to just take the leap. It is well worth it!

Blog Conference Tips

Lindi and I at the Rustoleum lounge

Blog Conference Tips

Beautiful tablescape for dinner hosted by Chinet

Blog Conference Tips

The view from our window at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah

Let me know in the comments below if you have attended SNAP before or if you would love to. Also let me know if you have any blog conference tips for me in the future as well.

Don't know what to expect at a blog conference or too afraid to step out of your comfort zone? This post has got you covered with several TIPS to help you make the decision to dive right in and go for it. It is definitely worth it.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

4 replies
  1. Lindi
    Lindi says:

    Hey!! I made it into some photos!!! YAY! LOVED meeting you! Wish I was able to read this before I went, lol. Great tips 🙂

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh I’m so happy for you! Last year was my first year and I absolutely loved it. It was a blast. You will definitely not regret going and make memories that will last a lifetime.

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