Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

So perhaps there has been some debating in the online world as to why people choose to draw and color in their Bibles and not being “reverent” in some people’s opinion. I want to help you by sharing how I feel about Bible journaling and how the experience has changed my worship and prayer time. I really want you to know and understand why Bible journaling is more than just random coloring.

*I certainly am not here to debate or argue over any situation. This post is solely meant to help encourage someone who may be on the fence about diving in to this incredible journey because they worry that they may do the wrong thing or be criticized.

More Than Just Random Coloring

Perhaps you are new to this Bible journaling community and looking for answers. If that is you, then be sure to check out this beginners guide to Bible journaling to help explain what this is all about.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

I had a reader recently ask me “It looks like fun, but how has it been proven as a means of learning scripture? It looks like just a lot of juvenile coloring and fun to me? Although, I might even try it sometime.”

I was not the least bit offended by this but so happy that she felt comfortable asking and reaching out to me. Many people probably wonder the same thing which makes me thrilled to hopefully answer those doubts or questions today.

Meditating on Scripture

In answering her first question, I wouldn’t say that Bible journaling is necessarily a means for memorizing large amounts of scripture or verses at one time. When they said “learning scripture,” I would definitely say a HUGE, BIG FAT YES! As I choose a passage of scripture or one particular verse that I want to illustrate in my margins, I am definitely studying that scripture and learning new revelation as God reveals them to me.

You could easily just pull out some markers or colored pencils and start doodling without even thinking about what you are writing or drawing. I am not saying that is wrong either. Bible journaling is truly the experience that you make it.

The picture below definitely portrays a time when I had studied and meditated on this scripture. It really meant a lot to me at the time and still does to this day. The incredible thing as well is that when I illustrate these verses, they seem to really stick with me.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

Juvenile Fun

Okay, so juvenile fun might actually be a good thing in this situation. Juvenile fun makes me think of carefree children without a burden or care in the world who are just playing to their heart’s content. I don’t think that would be such a bad thing.

There is a time and place for everything of course. At times that carefree fun of illustrating a verse is therapeutic and exactly what I need at that very moment. Other times, I am in desperate need of an answer from the Lord and finding a way toward that comfort or whatever it may be is really found through a deep relationship with Christ. For that reason, I find that there is a lot of studying and praying that happens before I sit down to work in my Bible. The time that is then spent in my Bible is really reinforcing the quiet time in a new and fun way.

My entry below was made by tracing a coloring page onto my Bible page and then coloring it in with colored pencils. This part was just some good ol’ coloring fun. Using the stickers to illustrate the verse really helps me to continue repeating the verse as I’m placing the stickers and then end up memorizing it.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Unintentional Intimacy

Bible journaling is a lot like “planting a seed” as you may have heard it before when you are helping someone else out or giving your tithe at church. You are planting a seed that over time with bloom and produce lives being saved and changed for the better.

There may be times when you honestly just want to enjoy coloring or drawing and you have no intentional purpose behind what you are doing. As you draw, the Bible verses are actually coming alive to you in a new way without you even realizing. That’s the great part about it because when you really need that verse the most, the Holy Spirit will bring it back to your memory at just the right moment.

Using Acrylic Paint for Bible Journaling

It won’t take you long to pick up on this and you will actually become mindful of the intimacy and want to go back in worship more and more. I just can’t get enough of my Savior.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed with any doubt or worry, it is definitely just a plot of the enemy trying to get your mind distracted from the real and sincere reason you wanted to begin on this journey to begin with.

The opportunity that Bible journaling brings to meditate on scripture, have some fun at the same time, while also building a new intimacy with Jesus Christ is totally worth it. Join in the fun and let’s get started together.

I have compiled a HUGE round-up of supplies and goodies that I personally love and know you will enjoy too. I do want to say though that you shouldn’t feel intimidated by this list one bit. You don’t have to have all the fancy supplies in the world. All you need is an open heart willing to listen to God’s voice and obey.

Have you ever wondered what all the rage is about with this Bible Journaling? Come find out why it is certainly more than just JUVENILE COLORING and how you can get started on this journey too.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.


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7 replies
  1. Mary H
    Mary H says:

    I have fallen in love with Bible Jounaling and agree with you that it is more than just coloring. It really helps me focus on the passage I am reading. I love how you traced the design in your Bible; I will have to try that!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I am so glad to hear that you feel the same way. Someone may approach it as just coloring, but I know the Holy Spirit would show up and be ushered in when they start to read what they are illustrating. Thank you for the sweet words. Being able to trace a design into your pages is perfect for those that may not feel artistic either.

  2. Lyndy
    Lyndy says:

    i love that you wrote this!! Bible journaling has become such a big part of my life these days and i couldn’t agree more with you. My kids have even taken an interest in it so much that it has spilled over on to my husband and now it’s a family past time for us. thanks for the tips on your supplies, i must get the gelatos. God is so good!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh you just don’t know how much that pleases my soul and makes me smile to know that it touched you in such a sweet way. I just love how Bible journaling brings complete strangers together and especially your family. That is so special and such a great example to your children. They will have wonderful memories for years to come. I have memories of sitting on my parents bed every night before bedtime and my Mom reading a scripture passage to our entire family. Then my Dad would pray over us. I will never forget those moments and hope to carry them on with my children one day.

      Yes, you must try the gelatos! They are amazing and definitely one of my most favorite supplies ever! They are so versatile and can be used in several different ways which is even better.

      And another big YES because God is so good!!!!!

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