Accessory Lane Necklace Giveaway Featured Image

Accessory Lane Necklace Giveaway 1

Too many young girls and women these days look in the mirror and do not like what they see feeling that they are not beautiful. But that is simply not true. I myself have dealt with self-esteem issues but have to remind myself often that true beauty is not just on the outside but also on the inside. On the other hand though I will say that getting dressed up, putting on my make-up, fixing my hair extra special, and then accessorizing that new outfit with just the perfect jewelry always makes me feel better and more confident. Plus my husband is certainly not complaining when we go out. Lol!

My dear friend Amy at Accessory Lane believes the same way too. She believes that true beauty is simply being yourself with the motto “Be-YOU-Tiful!” Accessory Lane is a company founded by a mother and daughter team with a passion for jewelry and accessorizing that is not only unique but also affordable. I myself love their products and find myself always reaching in the jewelry box for their product to make my outfit “over the top” pretty.

Another plus with Accessory Lane is that shipping is absolutely FREE! There is nothing worse than finding something you love online to then find out that shipping charges are outrageous. When I shop on her website, I can know with complete assurance that the price I see is what I will pay.

Because of their motto and love for jewelry, I knew I had to share them with all of you too. I couldn’t just be selfish and keep it all to myself which is why Accessory Lane is hosting a giveaway for this Perfectly Pastel Teardrop necklace valued at $24. I am falling head over heels in love for those shimmery colors.

I love how it is paired with a denim jacket and white shirt to really add that pop of color. I should totally have her give me a few fashion pointers as well.

Accessory Lane Necklace Giveaway 2

Check out her website, Facebook, and Instagram for more beautiful products and also enter the giveaway below to win this beauty!

Don’t forget to share the giveaway with your friends as well and pay it forward!

***The giveaway is open to only U.S. residents due to shipping costs. Thanks!***
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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