5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog Featured Image

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog Featured Image

Do you ever seem to get in a rut and can’t find any inspiration for your next blog article or project? You may not be a blogger but a journalist or author and hit writers block too. We all have had problems with it.

Another problem that will come up is that I have this awesome idea but then I log into my computer and see that it has already been done by another talented blogger.

There are several ways that I find helpful for finding inspiration for my blog that I want to share with you to help you too.

#1: Go shopping.

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                               Photo by Mikey Jones / CC BY-ND2.0

What woman doesn’t love to go shopping and now we have a real excuse to “need” to go. I love DIY and craft projects so shopping is even more fun for me. I will walk the aisles looking for great items but then I notice the price tag and just can’t bring myself to pay what they want. Many times I find that I can make the very same piece of decor or whatever it may be myself for much cheaper.

Always check out the clearance aisles too. I have found several items marked down on clearance that with just a little work are new again and can be upcycled into something great. I found this chalkboard on clearance for almost nothing and was able to turn it in to something even better that would have normally cost me much more.

Check out websites for stores as well. You don’t even have to leave your house if you don’t really enjoy shopping (which I don’t know why you wouldn’t). Most stores have websites and others are online only. Search for things you love and draw inspiration to create your own for much cheaper.

#2 Look to other bloggers with your same interest.

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                               Photo by Kristina B / CC BY -ND 2.0

Now first of all I want to say that I am not saying to copy anyone’s ideas as your own. If you do find something you just can’t resist and want to share with others too, then be sure to give credit to other bloggers where it is due.

There is such a community among bloggers that even joining up with them for some ideas and a contest is fun. A group of bloggers could all use the same materials and then come up with their own creation and then link to and share the others’ ideas too.

I also love finding things online that appeal to me but then changing it up to my own style and taste.

#3 Ask your blog followers.

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                       Photo by mkhmarketing / CC BY -ND 2.0

Reach out to social media and your followers for anything that they are wanting to see you do or learn more about. Post the question and see what response you get. You will be amazed at what others would like to read about that you may consider not important or boring.

#4 Don’t be afraid to try something new.

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                               Photo by Live Life Happy / CC BY -ND 2.0

I wouldn’t constantly change what your content is revolved around but occasionally don’t be afraid to reach out to something new. Writing about new topics or projects keeps things interesting for your readers. Plus your readers also like to know more about you, what’s going on in your life, your favorite things, etc.

#5 Look around your own house.

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                                                              Photo by Abbey Hendrickson / CC BY -ND 2.0

Many times there are projects or rooms that I need to do something with but have been putting it off for quite some time for whatever reason.  When I am needing something new to write about and create, it is a great opportunity for me to get those things done and stop procrastinating. Plus it’s a great feeling to mark another thing off your checklist.

Don’t ever feel like you are all out of options and don’t know where to begin. There is always some brilliant idea out there just waiting for you. I hope these pointers will help you and keep you from getting in that rut.

Plus share your ideas with all of us in the comments. I would love to know where you get your inspiration as well.

Hope you also will enjoy the little things in life including your own blog and inspiration.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

25 replies
  1. Tania
    Tania says:

    Hi, Tania here! Thanks for sharing this post. You’ve got some very helpful tips that I will be using. For me, I typically (my blog is about weddings) go to my trusty bridal magazines/blogs for inspiration. Just by drooling over all the gorgeous wedding gowns and floral decor really gets my mind flowing. Have wonderful day! 🙂

  2. Jenna @ A Savory Feast
    Jenna @ A Savory Feast says:

    This is a great list! I have been blogging for almost a year and rarely have a problem thinking of posts, but I realized when I read this that I am already doing these 5 things! I’m glad to hear I’m doing the right things.

  3. Corina Ramos
    Corina Ramos says:

    I carry a notebook with me to write down ideas I get where ever I go. It stays on my nightstand in case I get one in the middle of the night. All I need is time to put them together :).

    Great tips!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That’s a really good idea too. I seem to take lots of pictures on my phone when I’m out shopping so I don’t forget. Thanks for your advice.

  4. Nancy
    Nancy says:

    I think getting up and getting off the computer is inspiration enough for me sometimes… honestly! Because if I dwell on it too much and I have in the past – it just boggles me down and I get more stressed for ideas on what to post!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That is so true. I find that the more I dwell on it and stress, the worst it gets. Taking a break from anything is usually a good idea so you don’t get burnt out too.

  5. Angie B.
    Angie B. says:

    I’ll be honest, my ideas hit me in the oddest ways. I might be in the shower. I might do one of my frugal mom fixes, something I’ve done 100 times before and think…ya know, maybe not everyone does this? So I blog about it lol

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That’s encouraging to me too. Sometimes I think something is so simple that I’ve been doing for a long time and I won’t blog about it or share. I usually think everyone probably already knows it. I am trying to remind myself too that some of the simplest ideas are the best. Not every post has to be something huge.

  6. Kristin @ MOMentous Moms
    Kristin @ MOMentous Moms says:

    These are great way to find inspiration. I find this to be tough a lot. I have tons of ideas but it always seems like everyone has thought of them. I think I need to be more courageous and go with my gut!

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  1. […] me and my husband Mark were out shopping this past weekend. Check out my post if you are needing inspiration for your own DIY projects. Shopping is included on the list and is one of my favorites. One of my favorite stores to go in is […]

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