100 Days of Less Huastle More Jesus Round-Up Days 71-84

Check out the next 100 Days of Less Hustle More Jesus round-up days 71-84 with a flip-through of my journaling entries in both the journal and my journaling Bible.

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We are just a couple weeks away from the 100 Days of Less Hustle More Jesus Devotional Journal being complete. This has been such an amazing journey and definitely a topic that I really needed to focus on. I hope you have enjoyed it just as much as I have. 

Supplies and Organization for 100 Days of Less Hustle More Jesus

100 Days of Less Huastle More Jesus Round-Up Days 71-84

Check out the video below as I flip through the devotional journal and my journaling Bible for my most recent entries over the past two weeks.  


Below are also some of my favorite entries from days 71-84. Hope you enjoy!

100 Days of Less Huastle More Jesus Round-Up Days 71-84

100 Days of Less Huastle More Jesus Round-Up Days 71-84

100 Days of Less Huastle More Jesus Round-Up Days 71-84

100 Days of Less Huastle More Jesus Round-Up Days 71-84

I hope you have been enjoying these round-ups, and stay tuned for the very last one for this journal very soon.  God bless!

Check out the next 100 Days of Less Hustle More Jesus round-up days 71-84 with a flip-through of my journaling entries in both the journal and my journaling Bible.


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